Using the Ok Alone escalation procedure wizard
Within the Ok Alone site ( is a system to help you create clear and informative instructions for your staff or call centre operators to follow. The Escalation Procedure Wizard is designed to make the process of setting up your worker’s individual procedures as easy as possible.
We have found that a focus on the monitor delay time, the number of repeat contact attempts, the number of people in the contact list and a clear easy to follow layout will have a much more profound effect on how quickly a situation gets escalated to emergency services should it ever be required.
You can set up a Company Escalation Procedure that will apply to and be followed for all employees or you can set up individual Escalation Procedures for each worker with specific instructions
To set up a Company Escalation Procedure please log into Click on the ‘Settings’ option on the far left of the screen. From the drop down select ‘Company Escalation Procedure’ and then follow the instructions below.
Please follow these step by step instructions on how to use the Escalation Procedure Wizard to set up your individual employee’s procedures:
Once you are logged into, go to your ‘Ok Alone Home’ page and find the relevant worker.
As situations escalate you now need to add the name of the next person to be alerted. This could be the worker’s monitor or supervisor. Input their name and contact phone number.
Situations can escalate further, so you now need to add the name of the next person to be alerted. This could be the worker’s manager. Input their name and contact phone number
At any point during the Escalation Procedure you can click the ‘Send to Location’ button (located above the ‘Make a Phone Call’ section you are filling in). You can then use this to instruct a member of staff to go to a specific area to check on the missing worker.
You can also add in a custom step by clicking on the word ‘Custom’ (located above the ‘Make a Phone Call’ section you are filling in). This will allow you to add in any extra step or information required. E.g. “Phone Rachel Billington in HR on 2037598493. Ask her to look out her window into the yard to see if she can see Worker X.”
Whilst going through this process the completed Escalation Procedure should be filling up the right side of your screen. If you want to change anything you have inputted at any point click on the pencil icon to edit the instructions and then ‘Update phone call step’ to save your changes
While you are filling in the steps, please don’t give instructions for the operators to call the police/ambulance. The call centre operators are not able to do this. If emergency services are being called to a location, it is often critical that they have detailed knowledge of the site. Simple things like knowing to look for the “Third door on the right” or to “Go past the main gate and look for a green side gate” become very important when time is of the essence. Our call centre staff will never have this kind of information. Supervisors, managers and internal people will. However, the call centre can be instructed to tell your last internal contact to call the police/ambulance.
You can choose to leave the instruction to call the authorities in your voicemail, E.g. “Hello Manager’s name, Worker X has missed a check in. Monitor Y has been notified but has not responded. Please investigate further or call the police and update them on the situation.”
As an expert in lone worker content management, I possess an extensive knowledge base and experience in the area of lone working and safety monitoring. My expertise in this field encompasses a wide range of areas, including risk assessment, training, communication, and technology. I have a deep understanding of the unique risks associated with lone workers and have researched and written many projects and articles to educate people in how to mitigate these risks.
Throughout my time with Ok Alone, I have kept up to date with technological developments, legislative changes and regulations that have been introduced to help organizations ensure the safety of their lone workers.
This post was last modified on December 15, 2023 9:28 am
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