Connecticut Launch New State Grant Program on Home Health Care Worker Safety 

Introduction  In response to growing concerns about worker safety in the Connecticut home health sector, Governor Ned Lamont’s administration have introduced a new state grant program for home health care workers through Public Act No. 24-19. This new grant program is designed to support home health agencies by funding a range of safety improvements for …

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SB 553: Preventing Workplace Violence in California

SB553 California Legislation

The California Legislature passed Senator Cortese’s Senate Bill (SB) 553 on September 12, 2023, marking a significant step towards protecting workers from workplace violence. SB 553 mandates that employers incorporate workplace violence prevention plans into their Cal/OSHA Injury Illness Prevention Plans. This legislation was largely driven by the tragic 2021 massacre at the Valley Transportation …

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Introducing the Learning Center – Lone Worker Safety Education

Here at Ok Alone we’ve always been deeply committed to ensuring your safety, but we also understand that getting to grips with a new system can sometimes be daunting. With this in mind, we’re pleased to introduce you to our latest development – the Learning Center! Why have we created the Learning Center? At Ok …

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7 Reasons to Choose Ok Alone

7 Reasons to Choose Ok Alone You are up and running in 5 minutes, without speaking with us It takes very little investment of your time to start using Ok Alone in your organization. You know exactly what you are buying All Ok Alone customers start with a free trial. Using Ok Alone is the …

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Enhancing Safety for Lone Working Health Workers


Lone worker safety is a considerably more complex issue in a home visit environment, compared with providing health care services in a dedicated health care setting. Managing patient care on your own, without the opportunity to call on a co-worker for help, is obviously a risk, one faced by health professionals every time they step …

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Ok Alone Announces Sale to Personal Safety Technology Leader Peoplesafe Group

Peoplesafe and Ok Alone

Ok Alone, a prominent British Columbia-based employee safety monitoring company, is proud to announce its acquisition by Peoplesafe, the world’s largest provider of personal safety technology. This union marks a significant milestone for Ok Alone, bringing together two companies with a shared vision of creating safer environments for individuals across all sectors. “We’re really excited …

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The Different Terms Used for Lone Working Around the World

Lone female worker in office after hours

Lone working, the practice of employees working alone or without direct supervision, is a common occurrence across various industries and regions around the world. Whether it’s a night-shift security guard, a remote field researcher, or a healthcare professional visiting patients’ homes, lone working represents a significant aspect of the way people work today. The terminology …

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The Rise of Lone Working in the Digital Age

Retail On screen Panic Button

Introduction In today’s rapidly evolving work places, the conventional nine-to-five office job is increasingly becoming a thing of the past. The digital revolution has changed work patterns, one of which is lone working—a practice that has grown exponentially in the last few years. No longer tethered to a physical office, professionals across industries are embracing …

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Worker Down – California’s heat-related illness regulations

California Heat Illness Regulations Worker Down

For outdoor workers in Californian industries like agriculture, transportation, landscaping or construction, strict communication rules apply. To comply with the law and keep your employees safe, be sure you’re up to speed with these regulations. Employee Safety Monitoring Solution According to Section 3395 of Title 8 of the California Code of Regulations, employers are required …

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Employee Locations – California’s heat-related illness regulations

California Heat Illness Regulations Location Tracking

According to Section 3395 of Title 8 of the California Code of Regulations, it’s required that employees have a way to stay in regular communication with their employers. A Means of Regular Communication If you’re working outside in fields like agriculture, construction, landscaping, oil and gas extraction, or transportation and delivery of agricultural products, California …

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Using a panic button – California’s heat-related illness regulations

California Heat Illness Regulations Send for Help

In California, they have some pretty strict laws about keeping employees safe and making sure they can ask for help in emergencies. It’s about making sure that workers have the support they need and that their well-being is a top priority. California’s regulations for preventing heat-related illness in outdoor workers According to California Cal/OSHA, employers …

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Work-related fatal injuries in Great Britain 2023

Construction Worker no Safety Equipment

At the beginning of July the Health and Safety Executive (HSE) for Britain released their figures for the number of work related fatalities with data from April 2022 up to March 2023. During the assessment period for 2022/2023 135 workers were killed in work-related accidents in the UK, an increase of 12 from 2021/22¹. Industry …

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Protect your Lone Workers with a ZOLEO Satellite Device and Ok Alone

protect remote lone workers with ok alone and zoleo satellite

Ok Alone strives to be able to help keep workers safe in all circumstances, including when lone workers are in areas without cell service. Ok Alone has Partnered with ZOLEO We have partnered with ZOLEO to provide an option for workers to use their satellite device to help stay safe, no matter where they are …

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Easy Check-In for Lone Workers with the Ok Alone Desktop App

Desktop Help Button App Home Screen

There are many ways to use the OK Alone lone worker solution: app, SMS, landline, satellite phone and desktop. This last one is perhaps the least well known. For lone workers who work remotely, not necessarily out and about, but based in one location, the desktop version of the Ok Alone system is perfect. The …

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How Desktop Panic Buttons Work

Help Alert Confirmation Screen

The purpose of Ok Alone’s desktop panic button is to provide a convenient and readily accessible way for people to quickly request assistance in emergency situations. When activated, it triggers an alert, notifying designated individuals or security personnel. The alert can be in the form of pop-up notifications, emails, text messages, automated phone calls, or …

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Protect your Lone Workers with an iHelp Device and Ok Alone

ihelp devices now work with Ok Alone

Ok Alone, the trusted lone worker safety solution now has an integration with iHelp devices, adding another layer of protection for individuals working alone or in remote locations. The iHelp Mini and iHelp Max, provide additional security and peace of mind for both workers and employers. The iHelp Mini is available now, the iHelp Max …

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What Artificial Intelligence thinks of Ok Alone

Ok Alone is the highest rated lone worker app in Bing Chat

We thought it might be fun if we asked three different AI tools questions about Ok Alone and employee safety monitoring apps. So, we asked the same five questions to Bard, ChatGPT and Microsoft Bing. What is the highest rated lone worker app? Which lone worker app has the best range of safety features? Why …

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Our Response to Work Smarter Magazine’s “Top five lone worker apps” Article

our response to the work smarter magazine article

The online magazine Work Smarter Magazine recently published an article entitled: Top five lone worker apps in the UK. It ranked Ok Alone at #4 but contained a number of inaccuracies, we have included our response below. Article Url: Thanks for your review and feedback. May we provide a few clarifications so that your readers …

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