As well as their alert in the app, workers can be sent an SMS or phone call to remind them to check in. SMS and phone call reminders can be set to repeat up to 4 times at desired intervals.
How to Setup Sms and Phonecall Reminders
1 ) To set up SMS and call reminders access the Worker Profile via the pencil icon in the ‘View Workers’ tab on the left-hand toolbar
2) The Monitor can set up an SMS or phone alert for the Worker if they miss their Check-in and can repeat the alert up to 4 times. The Monitor can setup both, none, or one of these as they choose.
NOTE: The primary purpose of these reminders is to minimize false alarms. The SMS or phone call reminders should all occur before the Monitor Alert is sent (i.e. If the Monitor delay time is 30 minutes, all of the repeating SMS/Phone call reminders should happen prior to the 30 minute mark.)
The Ok Alone team writes informative articles about lone working. Through our articles, we aim to educate readers on the benefits and best practices of using our lone worker app, and how Ok Alone can help mitigate risks and enhance communication between workers and monitors. Learn about other areas including legislation, risk management, and legal compliance plus lone worker features such as man down, high-risk check ins and location monitoring.