Ok Alone and Geotab
Extending Safety Monitoring & Logistics
Ok Alone is available on the Geotab Marketplace. Our marketplace add-in lets you extend fleet safety and monitoring to all employees, including drivers, when they are away from their vehicle.
Location tracking with our smartphone app provides complete workforce visibility on the myGeotab map. Improve safety monitoring with real-time emergency alerts and lone worker features for remote workers.
Easily move to an automated solution with our fully integrated Geotab add-in and user-friendly smartphone app.

Reasons to choose Ok Alone and Geotab
- Safety monitoring for your employees
- Location tracking from Ok Alone apps and Go devices
- Extend fleet safety and understand if the driver is ok or not
- Lone worker solution with timed check-ins
- Monitor employees away from their vehicle
- Asset tracking for employees and teams
- Real time emergency alerts 24/7
- Move from manual to automated safety monitoring
- Complete workforce visibility wherever they are
- Demonstrate Compliance with a full audit trail of actions
Features And Benefits of Ok Alone and Geotab

Monitor Drivers at all Times
Drivers can stay monitored and protected at all times. Even if a driver leaves the vehicle Ok Alone can continue to monitor their location and provide this data in the myGeotab dashboard.

Extend Monitoring to all Employees
Monitor the safety of all employees, not just those with a Go device. Ok Alone monitoring can work on any smartphone and can be set up with a few clicks.

myGeotab Map Integration
With our Geotab map add-in see where your workforce are at all times, including all assets and teams. Group together teams and assets and colour code them for easy visibility.

Wide range of Safety Features
Ok Alone focuses on an employee's safety, providing an audit of all actions throughout a shift and automatically creates alerts for missed check-ins, help requests or other actions.

Asset Tracking
Anyone can use Ok Alone, not just drivers. This means you can extend asset safety to employees/teams and track all your assets in one place on the myGeotab map.

myGeotab Dashboard Add-In
Manage your Ok Alone account in myGeotab using our easy to install add-in. No extra login is required and monitors and workers can be imported from Geotab with a single click.

Enable Drive Mode
Our Drive mode will automatically check in employees if they are driving. Monitoring will only activate once they leave the vehicle for a delivery or other task.

Demonstrate Compliance
Be assured you are following regulatory compliance and lone worker legislation & policy. Our solution has many customisable features to make sure you have the tools you need to follow legislation and keep employees safe.

Automate Monitor Alerts 24/7
If a worker needs help, Ok Alone will automatically contact the monitors via email, SMS or phone call. Alerts are easy to understand and contain a map and the information required to respond and resolve the situation.

Promote a Safety Culture
Reinforce a culture of safety among your fleet at all times with established safety procedures. Support your workers, increasing their morale and engagement at work with our Safety Awards.

City of Kelowna, British Columbia Case Study
The City of Kelowna’s Safety Department was scouting for automated solutions to keep employees safe and meet compliance requirements.
It found one: Ok Alone
Interested in learning more about Ok Alone and Geotab can help extend safety monitoring to your fleet?
Download our slide deck here
Want to try Ok Alone in your Geotab account? Then please visit our docs site to learn how to install the Add-In or email us at info@okalone.net and we will get you started.