Try Ok Alone with a Free Trial
Before you decide on any lone worker monitoring system, you want to know it does what you need and is reliable. That’s why we offer a risk free way to decide for yourself – a free trial.
Simply tell us a bit more about your situation by answering a couple of quick questions. Based on your input, Ok Alone will automatically set itself up for you. It should take less than 5 minutes. Then you’re up and running with our lone worker app and cloud dashboard. You’ve got 7 days to use the system for free, with no obligation whatsoever.
See for yourself by starting your free trial now. You’ve got nothing to lose.
Want to Try the Ok Alone App?
Please email us at and we will set you up with a Free Trial where you can try all our lone worker features.
Our hassle-free commitment:
- Try Ok Alone for free for seven days and let us know how you get on. There is no commitment after this
- Need help to get up and running? Contact us free of charge
- Upgrade to full account only if you’re happy
We Take Security & Privacy Seriously.
Your customer data and personal information will never be shared, and will always be protected.
By clicking “Create My Account” you agree to Ok Alone’s Terms of Service
When creating an Ok Alone account you are NOT required to provide any payment.
days, with no commitment
Contact us free of charge.
only if you're happy.