OK Alone Lone Worker App: a cost effective alternative to ProTELEC CheckMate

Do you want lone worker safety monitoring? There are so many choices, but your needs are straight forward. You want a work alone system that has lots of ways to check-in, especially an app, 24/7 live monitoring that you can turn on and off, and free updates and reports.

Automatic Location Updates

Using Pro TELEC CheckMate a lone worker is required to activate CheckMate’s Location Recording Option and provide details of where they are and/or where they will be until their next check-in. Ok Alone does this automatically through its GPS high setting because you might not know where you are now or will be when your next check-in is due.

Simple Set Up

Pro TELEC CheckMate say the majority of accounts can be created in less than 24 hours, Ok Alone can have you up and running in 5 minutes!

Hands Free Voice Commands

With Pro TELEC CheckMate you receive a phone call that you must answer and input a 4-digit PIN. What if you are doing a task where you can’t answer the phone? What if you can’t remember your PIN? With Ok Alone all you need to do is push the ‘I’m Ok’ button and if you can’t access your phone at the time you can use your voice to check-in using Siri or Google Assistant.

Multiple Integrations

Ok Alone has integrations with tech platforms Geotab™ and ADP® as well as ZOLEO satellite devices! Our desktop app works with Microsoft and our voice commands are accessible through Siri and Google Assistant.

Why not see for yourself? Get a free estimate based on your needs with our online price calculator.

Or jump right in. Start your free trial now.

Want a quote for Ok Alone? Please email us at info@okalone.net and we will send you a quote for our lone worker solution.

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