New U.S legislation for Lone Workers in Hotels and Casinos

Female hotel lone worker

Two new laws are being introduced to help protect lone workers. Illinois Signed into Illinois state law on August the 9th 2019 by Governor J.B. Pritzker, the ‘Hotel and Casino Employee Safety Act (S.B. 75)’ requires all employees working alone in guest rooms, restrooms or casino floors to be supplied with a safety or notification …

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Massachusetts Safer Hotels for Workers Act

Lone Working Housekeeper Arranging Bedsheet On Bed

The State of Massachusetts is in the process of introducing new legislation, the Safer Hotels for Workers Act, to protect lone working hotel employees. Legislation for Lone workers in Massachusetts hotels Bill H.1657, presented by Adrian C. Madaro, has been added to Chapter 149D of the General Laws, as Section 105E. Bill H.1657 has been …

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National Hotels Pledge increased Safety with Panic Buttons for Hotel Workers

National Hotels Pledge 5-Star Promise -increased safety with panic buttons for hotel workers

In September 2018 a hospitality industry group, The American Hotel & Lodging Association (AHLA) announced the 5-Star Promise. The promise is a voluntary pledge by AHLA members to providing employee panic devices, having anti-harassment policies in place in multiple languages, and offering ongoing employee training and education on preventing and responding to sexual harassment. ¹ …

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Protective Legislation for Hotel lone Workers in Miami Beach

Female hotel lone worker

In July of 2018 Miami Beach became one of the growing number of cities, counties and states to introduce protective legislation for lone working hotel/hospitality employees. Legislation for Lone workers in Miami Beach hotels There are an estimated 11,500 housekeepers employed in Miami-Dade County, according to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, and a majority …

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Panic Buttons for Las Vegas Hotel and Casino Lone Workers

Lone working House keeper cleaning room

In 2018 the Las Vegas chapters of UNITE HERE’s Culinary and Bartender Unions negotiated contracts with local hotels to equip hotel and casino workers with panic buttons. Survey of Casino and Hotel Workers in Las Vegas In a survey conducted by UNITE HERE’s Culinary and Bartender Unions of over 10,000 Las Vegas casino workers: 59% …

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Panic Buttons for New York City Hotel Employees

top features - Man Down/ Worker Down protection

Providing emergency devices for unionized hospitality workers, in particular housekeepers, has been the law in New York City since 2013. ¹ Lone worker protection for New York City Hotel staff In early 2012 The New York Hotel and Motel Trades Council, AFL-CIO, (Hotel Trades Council for short) for New York City fought in contract negotiations …

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Lone Worker Protection for Staff and Students in American Universities

Health and Safety working alone

Learn about UCLA’s study that influenced policies and guidelines for lone worker protection at American universities – now used to protect lone worker staff and students when working alone. How a horrific death lead to the commissioning of lab worker study In March 2011 the University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA) opened a Centre for …

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Oakland Local Ordinances Chapter 5.93 – Hotel Minimum Wage and Working Conditions

Female hotel lone worker

In November of 2018, Oakland voters passed Measure Z, an amendment to the Oakland Municipal Code (OMC), establishing workplace protections for hotel workers. Oakland’s Hotel Workers Protection & Employments Standards Ordinance has been added to the OMC as Chapter 5.93, titled “Hotel Minimum Wage and Working Conditions.” This came into effect on December 23, 2018. …

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Sacramento’s Hotel Worker Panic Button Legislation

Lone Working Housekeeper Arranging Bedsheet On Bed

In February of 2018, the Sacramento County’s Board of Supervisors passed and adopted an ordinance requiring hotels to provide lone workers with panic buttons. The Ordinance applied to the wider county, but not to the City of Sacramento itself. The City of Sacramento adopted its own hotel worker protection ordinance in January of 2020. Sacramento …

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Protecting Lone Working Security Guards in the US

Working as a Security Guard is a particularly dangerous occupation in the US. On average, security officers suffer injuries at more than twice the rate of the average worker. In some countries nearly two private security officers are killed on duty for every police officer fatality. ¹ The incidence rate for injuries to security guards …

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Seattle’s “Hotel Employees Safety Protections Ordinance” – Chapter 14.26

Lone Working Housekeeper Arranging Bedsheet On Bed

Seattle’s Hotel Employees Health and Safety Initiative has had a bumpy road on its way to becoming legislation. The ordinance provides protection for the health and safety of hotel employees working in Seattle. This ordinance is the result of Seattle voters passing Initiative 124 (I-124) in November 2016. Initiative 124 (I-124) was unfortunately struck down …

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City of Santa Monica: Chapter 4.67 Hotel Worker Protection


On August 27, 2019, the Santa Monica City Council voted unanimously to pass an ordinance providing protections for hotel workers. One of the items of the ordinance was that workers be issued with personal safety devices. Research into Lone Worker Vulnerability The ordinance was recommended by the City’s Commission on the Status of Women in …

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The California Consumer Privacy Act

Lone Working Legislation and Policy in the USA

The California Consumer Privacy Act of 2018 was approved by the California State Governor on June 28th 2018 and went into effect on January 1st 2020. This is considered to be the absolute toughest data privacy law in the United States. ¹ Personal Data The California Consumer Privacy Act (CCPA) gives consumers more control over the personal …

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OSHA Regulations 1915, 1910 and 1926 for Lone Working HVAC Technicians

hvac technician checking capacitor on air conditioner

HVAC (Heating, Ventilation and Air Conditioning) is a very large industry in North America. According to there are over 118,000 HVAC companies registered in the U.S at present.¹ These companies are required to adhere to regulations set out by OSHA. The Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) is run by the United States Department …

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Health and Safety Guidelines for Workers Exposed to Biowaste

Health and Safety Guidelines biowaste

The handling of biowaste by lone workers is an area we hear more about each month.  Health and Safety Guidelines across Canada, USA, UK Australia and New Zealand all cover the unique risks assosiciated with biowaste.  In this blog, the team at SafetyON have kindly shared their thoughts on the subject. ————————- There are several …

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Keeping Home Care Nurses Safe with a Lone Worker Safety App

lone worker safety app

In August 2016, a home health services provider in the US was fined because of an incident in which a worker was sexually assaulted by a client while providing health care services in the client’s home. The fine was levied because an investigation by

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