Ok Alone Saves Lone Worker’s Life!

Improving safety for employees who drive for work, from Ok Alone

We love hearing stories about our customers and how our system has helped them. Recently we heard the best story yet, our system saved somebody’s life! This is why we developed Ok Alone, so to say we were excited to hear this story is an understatement! To protect the privacy of those involved, all names …

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GPS Monitoring for your Lone Workers with the Ok Alone App

GPS tracking for your Lone Workers

The Ok Alone safety app is a comprehensive lone worker protection system integrating GPS technology with iPhone and Android applications, serving as an efficient GPS lone worker device. When GPS first began to be used for worker safety monitoring, it was hailed as an important breakthrough. At the time, it was a leap forward in technology. …

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Five Ways to Evaluate your Lone Worker App


Lone worker apps come in many varieties. This short article provides five criteria to evaluate the advantages and disadvantages of the most popular ones. The goal is to give you the tools to decide which lone worker app will work best for your organization. Safety Policy Your safety policy should be at the heart of …

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To Track or not to Track, that is the Lone Worker Question

GPS tracking for your Lone Workers

No one likes the idea of being tracked throughout their work day, however, if you are a lone worker, worker tracking could literally save your life. Why Worker Tracking is Important Employee tracking is a way for companies to know where their workers are and that they are safe. The lone worker tracking is not …

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6 Tips for your Lone Worker Check In Procedure

In the UK, Australia, New Zealand and Canadian provinces your employees must be monitored if they are working alone. Here are a few tips to help you, as an employer, to devise and establish a lone worker check in procedure. 1. Appoint a Monitor You can appoint an employee as a monitor – they can …

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GPS Technology Isn’t Enough – Lone Worker Safety

gps technology

Do you rely on GPS technology to keep in touch with lone workers?

You might not know that the first GPS satellite, Navstar 1, was launched way back on February 22, 1978. In 1983, after the USSR shot down a Korean passenger jet, the US government opened up GPS for civilian applications so that aircraft, transport and shipping could avoid drifting into restricted

Why GPS technology Isn’t Enough for Lone Worker Safety

lone worker

Where are your people?

You may think that your GPS system is keeping track of where everyone is as they go about their work, but GPS has definite shortcomings.  It may be able to tell you where your worker is, but it won’t tell you how they are.

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