Setting up an Escalation Procedure with Ok Alone

Using the Ok Alone escalation procedure wizard

Within the Ok Alone site ( is a system to help you create clear and informative instructions for your staff or call centre operators to follow. The Escalation Procedure Wizard is designed to make the process of setting up your worker’s individual procedures as easy as possible. What should I focus on for my Escalation …

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The Ok Alone Guide to Escalation Procedures for Lone Workers

Holding a lone worker app

The Purpose of This Guide Most health and safety laws include a special category for those who work on their own. These people are referred to as Lone Workers. A Lone Worker can be defined as a worker that is in isolation from other workers without close or direct supervision. Working alone is not a …

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Lone worker alarms and escalation procedures – Ok Alone Worker

Escalation procedure

An escalation procedure is one of the most important elements of your workplace safety policy. It’s an action plan that outlines exactly what to do when a lone worker calls for help, or when they’re overdue, unaccounted for, and non-contactable. The support team needs to react quickly when lone worker alarms go off, and they …

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What makes a great escalation procedure?


Whether it's for missed check-ins or help alerts, everyone who works alone or in isolation needs a written escalation procedure telling the support team what to do. That sounds easy enough, but often different employees require different approaches. So what are some of the key elements every escalation procedure should include?

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