Lone Worker App for Android from Ok Alone

lone worker app for android on google play

Our lone worker app is available on Android phones through the Google Play store. The safe worker app is a safety solution for managing check-ins when your employees are working alone. Introduction to the Ok Alone Lone Worker Android App Are you affected by work alone regulations and want to be certain your lone workers …

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Lone Worker iPhone App from Ok Alone

Lone worker app on the Apple App Store for iPhone

Our lone worker app is available on iPhone through the App Store. The lone worker app for iPhones is a safety solution for managing check-ins when your employees are working alone. Introduction to the Ok Alone iPhone Lone Worker App Are you affected by work alone regulations and want to be certain your lone workers …

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Protect your Lone Workers with a ZOLEO Satellite Device and Ok Alone

protect remote lone workers with ok alone and zoleo satellite

Ok Alone strives to be able to help keep workers safe in all circumstances, including when lone workers are in areas without cell service. Ok Alone has Partnered with ZOLEO We have partnered with ZOLEO to provide an option for workers to use their satellite device to help stay safe, no matter where they are …

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Easy Check-In for Lone Workers with the Ok Alone Desktop App

Desktop Help Button App Home Screen

There are many ways to use the OK Alone lone worker solution: app, SMS, landline, satellite phone and desktop. This last one is perhaps the least well known. For lone workers who work remotely, not necessarily out and about, but based in one location, the desktop version of the Ok Alone system is perfect. The …

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Lone Worker App for Windows from Ok Alone

Lone worker app for Windows

Our lone worker app is available on Windows through the Microsoft App store. The lone worker app is a safety solution for managing check-ins when your employees are working alone. Introduction to the Ok Alone Windows App Are you affected by work alone regulations and want to be certain your lone workers are safe? Do …

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How Desktop Panic Buttons Work

Help Alert Confirmation Screen

The purpose of Ok Alone’s desktop panic button is to provide a convenient and readily accessible way for people to quickly request assistance in emergency situations. When activated, it triggers an alert, notifying designated individuals or security personnel. The alert can be in the form of pop-up notifications, emails, text messages, automated phone calls, or …

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Protect your Lone Workers with an iHelp Device and Ok Alone

ihelp devices now work with Ok Alone

Ok Alone, the trusted lone worker safety solution now has an integration with iHelp devices, adding another layer of protection for individuals working alone or in remote locations. The iHelp Mini and iHelp Max, provide additional security and peace of mind for both workers and employers. The iHelp Mini is available now, the iHelp Max …

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Can a task bar help button on your computer help in emergencies?

Task bar help button Icon live

When you have employees working on their own it is important to have an employee safety monitoring system in place in case of emergencies. This applies to people across many industries and occupations, from education to retail or front of house staff. Having a system that is compatible with pc’s and laptops, and shows as …

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How can a software based panic button help office workers?

Alone in office after hours

Elena works in the office of a small company. One day, while working late, she finds herself in an escalating confrontation with a disgruntled co-worker who becomes increasingly aggressive and verbally abusive. Feeling threatened and concerned for her safety, Elena discreetly activates the panic button on her computer screen. As soon as the panic button …

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How can a software based panic button help lone retail workers?

Lone male worker at retail counter

Marisa works as the lone retail worker on shift in a boutique clothing store. Towards the end of the day, while attending to a customer, Marisa notices another individual displaying unusual and aggressive behaviour making her feel increasingly uncomfortable. Recognizing the potential threat, Marisa discreetly activates the panic button on the task bar of her …

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Choose a Lone Worker App with Wide Device Capability


When it comes to choosing a lone worker app, compatibility with various devices and operating systems is very important. Device compatibility is vital because it ensures that all employees can access the lone worker app on their preferred devices, whether it be a smartphone, tablet, or desktop. With the ever-increasing variety of devices and operating …

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Which industries would benefit from using a computer based panic button?

Alone face to face with customer

A PC based panic alarm system is a versatile solution that offers immense benefits across various industries. It provides employees with a quick and accessible means to seek immediate assistance during emergencies or threatening situations. Whether it’s in corporate offices, healthcare facilities, educational institutions, hospitality settings, transportation hubs, or retail environments, an on-screen computer emergency …

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Does panic button software keep office workers safer?

Office worker alone in shared space

Yes! Panic button software can significantly contribute to keeping office workers safer. A desktop  on-screen panic button is designed to provide employees with a quick and discreet way to request immediate assistance in emergency situations. While some people who work in office buildings may not consider themselves lone workers, being isolated in an office meeting …

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Protect your Lone Workers with a Spot Device and Ok Alone

The Spot Satellite Devices from Globalstar can be used together with Ok Alone to help keep lone workers safe. Spot devices use both GPS and Globalstar’s own satellites to transmit locations and messages. They offer different levels of service plans, but each supported device works well with Ok Alone; a favourite of ours is the …

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Safety Devices and Equipment for Lone Working Zoo Staff

Lone Working Zoo Keeper

The main aim of safeguarding against danger is always to prevent it, not wait until something happens and then take action. In every industry and in daily life people have to take standard precautions to keep themselves safe. However, you might need to factor in higher occupational risks depending on your job, especially if you …

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Lone Working with Siri on your iPhone

Record shortcuts for Siri to use with Ok Alone when lone working

The latest version of our Ok Alone lone worker app provides Siri shortcuts so you can now use Siri to update your Ok Alone status. This means you can use Ok Alone when working alone in a vehicle, working on the move or any other time you may need to be hands free. What is …

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Personal Alarm: for When You’re Working Alone

social distancing for lone workers

When they’re working alone not many people think of themselves as ‘lone workers’, but the truth is, if you are on your own during your work day, that’s exactly what you are. Regardless of the industry, whether you’re dropping off a delivery or sat in a reception area, if you are completely by yourself or …

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Desktop On Screen Panic Button for Lone Workers

On Screen Panic Button Software for Lone Workers

Imagine you’re at work in your office. You’re having a meeting with one of your clients. The client is getting angrier and angrier. They stand up between you and the door. No one can hear what is happening. The client knocks your phone off the desk. What are you going to do? You’re going to …

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Ok Alone Integration with the V.ALRT Panic Button

Ok Alone can easily be integrated with the V.BTTN panic button – to provide an alternative button for help alerts when used alongside Ok Alone’s lone worker features. What is the V.ALRT Panic Button? The V.ALRT is a wearable help button that can be carried discreetly in a pocket or a bag, worn on the …

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