The Benefits of Gamification for Increasing Employee Engagement

Lone Worker Safety

Employee engagement and productivity are complicated ideas. These are things that often start to diminish after people have been in their position for a year. There is however something that can be done to alter this course, gamification. Gamification The simplest definition of gamification is: ‘a process for integrating game mechanics into something that already exists …

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Personal Alarm: for When You’re Working Alone

social distancing for lone workers

When they’re working alone not many people think of themselves as ‘lone workers’, but the truth is, if you are on your own during your work day, that’s exactly what you are. Regardless of the industry, whether you’re dropping off a delivery or sat in a reception area, if you are completely by yourself or …

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Lone Worker Safety Award Rankings for Companies and Lone Workers

Lone worker safety award rankings

Ok Alone investigated the engagement of lone workers actively using their lone worker systems. Our research found that motivating a workforce to think and act safely by encouraging worker involvement and collaboration can be achieved. The main way to encourage this is by creating a sense of competitiveness and comradery around the company’s main goal, …

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Ok Alone Saves Lone Worker’s Life!

Improving safety for employees who drive for work, from Ok Alone

We love hearing stories about our customers and how our system has helped them. Recently we heard the best story yet, our system saved somebody’s life! This is why we developed Ok Alone, so to say we were excited to hear this story is an understatement! To protect the privacy of those involved, all names …

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How Lone Worker Safety Awards can help your Company

The best lone worker systems can’t help your people if they won’t use them. The outcomes of disengagement can be severe: accidents, injuries, illnesses, even loss of life. You wouldn’t want this to happen in your workplace. Tackling the existing culture of ‘this is how we do it’ can be difficult, but it is possible …

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How your Workers can become Safety Champions

Worker rankings for the lone worker safety awards

Ok Alone have a fantastic Safety Awards program. But how do you get your employees to become Safety Champions? What is Safety Culture? Many companies talk about ‘safety culture’ when referring to the tendency of their employees to follow rules or act safety or unsafely. But what is safety culture? “The safety culture of an …

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Lone Working + Gamification = A Perfect Match

One industry that seems to be made for gamification is lone working. The mobile nature of lone working makes it almost impossible for staff to physically check in with their employers. Because supervisors of lone workers don’t have a direct line of sight to their workers in an office environment, gamification offers a way to …

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Desktop On Screen Panic Button for Lone Workers

On Screen Panic Button Software for Lone Workers

Imagine you’re at work in your office. You’re having a meeting with one of your clients. The client is getting angrier and angrier. They stand up between you and the door. No one can hear what is happening. The client knocks your phone off the desk. What are you going to do? You’re going to …

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How Lone Workers Use Ok Alone to Stay Safe

How workers use OK Alone to stay safe

We are always looking for better ways to explain how Ok Alone works. We have always aimed to keep our lone worker app and system simple to understand and operate. This image shows how the Ok Alone lone worker safety solution is used by lone workers. With the Ok Alone system, any worker can be …

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Introducing Safety Award Certificates and Report Cards

Lone Worker Certificate

Here at Ok Alone, we have made some improvements to the Safety Awards program introducing Report Cards and Certificates. Report Cards Report Cards are a visual way for workers to see their achievements from each month and be inspired to do better.  Each month we take into account a number of safety factors including missed check-ins, location …

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Do’s and Don’ts for Lone Workers

It is estimated that 15% of the workforce are lone workers, however in the current climate with millions of people working from home, that number has risen drastically. If you are a lone worker, there are simple do’s and don’ts to follow that will help keep you safe. Do: If you are a lone worker …

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How do I keep Lone Workers Safe?

The best way to keep lone workers safe is to give them a lone worker safety solution! This allows workers to have peace of mind that if anything goes wrong, someone will know and can send help. Lone Worker Safety Solutions The purpose of a Lone Worker Solution is to ensure all workers go home …

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What is the meaning of ‘Lone Worker’?

Many industries across the world are recognizing that more and more people are required or are choosing to work on their own these days. As a result of that, those people are referred to as ‘lone workers’. What does Lone Worker mean? The definition of a lone worker is when work is done in a …

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Working from Home – Tips from the Ok Alone Team

lone worker safety system

Working from home can be hard. If you are not used to it, it can be difficult not to be distracted and go off task. Some of our lone worker app team have been working from home for years, so we wanted to share some things you can do to make it easier for yourself. …

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Will I have to Self-isolate or self-quarantine?

What is self-isolating or self-quarantining? The terms ‘self-isolate or self-quarantine’ mean to completely remove yourself from society. Should I self-isolate or self-quarantine? Symptoms of the virus are a fever, continuous dry cough and trouble breathing. If you or anyone in your household develops symptoms of Covid-19, then you need to self-isolate or self-quarantine immediately for …

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Delivery Logistics Company Case Study

Integrating check-in and man-down lone worker safety features using the Lone Worker Api A leading delivery company approached OK Alone looking for a system to ensure driver safety both inside and outside of their delivery vehicles. Existing asset trackers were part of the solution by providing the location of the delivery vehicle, but did little …

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Social Distancing for Lone Workers

social distancing for lone workers

What is social distancing and what does it mean for you? More and more events like football games, festivals, weddings and parties are being cancelled across the U.K. This is not a plan to ruin your summer, it is for the greater good and an effort to encourage Social Distancing. What is Social Distancing? Social …

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Returning to work after Covid-19 for Lone Workers

emergency response

Returning to work is what everyone desperately wants, but it might not be so easy, and it definitely won’t be the same. Our lives have changed due to Covid-19, but as a group we will have to adapt to our new normal. Working from Home During the Crisis As a result of the enforced quarantine, …

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As a Lone Worker can I use my phone whilst driving in Canada?

Canadaian lone worker legislation and regulations

With the exception of Nunavut, all Canadian Provinces and territories have banned talking on hand-held phones and texting while driving which will certainly affect lone workers. There are additional regulations on the use of electronic devices like GPS or satnav that should be looked at on a province by province basis. To read a comprehensive …

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