Which industries would benefit from using a computer based panic button?

Alone face to face with customer

A PC based panic alarm system is a versatile solution that offers immense benefits across various industries. It provides employees with a quick and accessible means to seek immediate assistance during emergencies or threatening situations. Whether it’s in corporate offices, healthcare facilities, educational institutions, hospitality settings, transportation hubs, or retail environments, an on-screen computer emergency …

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Does panic button software keep office workers safer?

Office worker alone in shared space

Yes! Panic button software can significantly contribute to keeping office workers safer. A desktop  on-screen panic button is designed to provide employees with a quick and discreet way to request immediate assistance in emergency situations. While some people who work in office buildings may not consider themselves lone workers, being isolated in an office meeting …

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Trusty Ox Systems announces the availability of its safety monitoring solution on the Geotab Marketplace

Ok Alone is designed to help provide fleet managers with confidence that lone drivers are safe throughout their work day. Toronto, Ontario – March 23, 2021 – Trusty Ox Systems Ltd, a rapidly growing, Canadian lone worker safety monitoring company with customers around the world, is pleased to announce the availability of Ok Alone on the …

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Who is a Lone Worker?

Who is a lone worker

The number of Lone workers has been steadily increasing for the last few years. Recently though, numbers have taken a drastic rise as a result of the pandemic. Do you qualify as a lone worker? A lone worker is classified as someone who works by themselves without close or direct supervision, where they cannot be …

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What is Lone Working and other Relevant Questions

A lot of people search on Google about lone working. People ask who lone workers are, what are the risks, how do they stay safe and much, much more. We decided to address all these questions and more – to help people learn about lone working and how to stay safe. Who are lone workers? …

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What is a Lone Worker Policy and other Questions

Lone worker policy

Ok Alone is one of the highest-rated lone worker solutions around and because of this, we get asked lots of questions from and about lone workers. A lot of people also search on Google about lone working. People ask who lone workers are, what are the risks of lone working, how do they stay safe …

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Desktop/Web App for Lone Workers

There are many ways to use the OK Alone lone worker solution: app, SMS, landline, satellite phone and desktop. This last one is perhaps the least well known. For lone workers who work remotely, not necessarily out and about, but based in one location, the desktop version of the Ok Alone system is perfect. This …

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Is Lone Working Dangerous and other Questions

Ok Alone is one of the highest-rated lone worker solutions and because of this we get lots of questions about and from lone workers. A lot of people also search on Google about lone working. People ask who lone workers are, what are the risks of lone working, how do they stay safe and much …

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Protect your Lone Workers with a Spot Device and Ok Alone

The Spot Satellite Devices from Globalstar can be used together with Ok Alone to help keep lone workers safe. Spot devices use both GPS and Globalstar’s own satellites to transmit locations and messages. They offer different levels of service plans, but each supported device works well with Ok Alone; a favourite of ours is the …

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Safety Devices and Equipment for Lone Working Zoo Staff

Lone Working Zoo Keeper

The main aim of safeguarding against danger is always to prevent it, not wait until something happens and then take action. In every industry and in daily life people have to take standard precautions to keep themselves safe. However, you might need to factor in higher occupational risks depending on your job, especially if you …

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Washington State Panic Button Legislation for Hotel, Motel, Retail Workers, Security Guards and Janitors

lone worker panic button legislation

This year Washington State has introduced state law intended to protect workers in the hospitality industry from sexual harassment and assault. What is the new Washington State Panic Button Law? A provision of the law (RCW 49.60.515) was passed to protect isolated workers in certain workplaces from sexual harassment and assault and requires affected employers to …

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Protecting Farm Lone Workers in Britain’s Most Dangerous Industry

lone working farmer feeding his cows

Farming and agriculture have been found to be Britain’s most dangerous industry. Farm workers often carry out their jobs alone which leads to many more incidents and fatalities. One way of bringing the numbers down and improving the safety of agricultural workers is to use a lone worker system. The Agriculture Fatality Rate Agriculture has …

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Ok Alone has Partnered with what3words to Help Protect Lone Workers

We’ve added what3words to our lone worker system to provide an alternative way of describing a worker’s last know location. what3words is a simple way to identify precise locations. Every 3 metre square has been given a unique combination of three words. For example, the exact location of Parliament Hill, London can be found at …

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How to Recognise and Avoid Aggressive Driving

safety strategy logistics

There are a lot of lone workers who drive as part of their job. It is human nature to develop bad habits, do things the easy way and become possessive towards things we see as our own. Over 50% of the five million yearly car crashes in the United States are caused by aggressive drivers, …

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Is your Business Vulnerable to a Cyber Attack?

Wannacry Cyber Attack On the morning of May 12th 2017 a cyber attack, named Wannacry, was launched. This reportedly affected over 230,000 computers in at least 150 countries around the world. ¹ The ransomware locked people out of their computers and demanded payment in Bitcoin to unlock them. Most of the attacks targeted Russia, Ukraine …

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The Dangers of Being a Lone Working Security Guard in the U.K

security canada expo

The Health and Safety Executive (HSE) statistics show that there were an estimated 739,000 incidents of violence at work, 356,000 of which were physical assaults.¹ New Security Roles Violent crime continues to increase across the U.K as police numbers diminish. As a result of this, private guards have been hired to fill the security vacuum, along …

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Situation Not Normal – Is Your Mind on Your Driving?

hazard assessment

Rick Walters and Angelina Robinson from Road Safety at Work BC. recently hosted a webinar, ‘Situation Not Normal – Is Your Mind on Your Driving?’ in response to the worldwide pandemic and its impact on those who drive for work. In the current climate people are experiencing pressure, uncertainty, and constant change. These bring with …

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Keep Workers Safe using Microsoft Teams with a Lone Worker Solution

In November of 2016 Microsoft announced a new product ‘Teams’, a unified communication and collaboration platform that combines persistent workplace chat, video meetings, file storage, and application integration. ¹ Microsoft Teams began being widely used by the public in 2017 and has replaced Skype for Business which was retired on the 31st July 2021. What …

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The Positive Impact of Gamification on Engagement at Work

Safety policy focus group

In 2019 TalentLMS conducted a survey to examine how gamified elements change the state of training, productivity, motivation, and employee engagement. The following results are from a pool of 526 people who use gamification in their workplace. 89% of employees say that when a specific task at work is gamified they feel competitive and eager to …

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