Are Your Security Guards Sleeping on the Job? (Security Specific Features of a Lone Worker System)

Running a team is difficult. Running a team who are constantly exposed to danger is even harder. As the employer of security personnel, you need to know your staff are active, safe, responding and in the right locations.

Ok Alone is the perfect fit for security companies who want a simple to use, low cost lone worker security monitoring system, that provides a high quality, professional solution.

See below for our security specific top features.

1. Timed Check -ins

Check in’s allow security personnel to confirm that they are active and responding to their environment. Check in’s can be set by management to occur as frequently as every 30 minutes throughout a shift. This feature gives supervisors peace of mind that all security guards are engaged with their duties and that no one is asleep on the job! Learn more about check ins…

2. Worker Location Monitoring

Ok Alone’s lone worker app provides detailed GPS coordinates that can give a security guard’s real time location in an emergency. There are a few options that guards can choose between: High, Normal, Non GPS and Off. The High setting allows the app to use a phone’s GPS to provide the most accurate location by updating every 10 seconds. Learn more about location monitoring…

3. Start/End Shift reminders

In order to avoid alerts that staff have not checked in, monitors (those monitoring the workers) can set up reminders. These can be applied to an individual worker’s rota for the day, week, month or even year.

The reminders occur 5-30 minutes (time chosen by monitor) after a shift should have started or ended to remind the guard to either start or end their shift. If the shift start/end is missed, the lone worker will receive an SMS, email or phone call reminding them to use Ok Alone to confirm they are active. If they do not respond, an alert will be sent to the supervisor. Learn more about shift reminders…

4. Geofencing

Ok Alone is able to create an electronic barrier around a work site to ensure management know where a guard is within the site. Supervisors will receive a notification if a guard leaves the area. This allows a monitor to know the security officer’s exact location if there is a problem or if they ask for help. A map of the geofenced area is visible on the Ok Alone dashboard and a guard’s movements can be seen updating every 10 seconds as they move throughout the work site. Learn more about geo fencing…

5. Man Down/ Worker Down Protection

The Man down/Worker down feature helps keep lone working security staff even safer. This feature in the smartphone app tracks a guard’s movement. Security personnel set the length of time to be monitored themselves. If no movement is detected the man down app will sound an alarm alerting the guard that there has been no movement. If this alert is not responded to by the guard, then a no movement alert will be escalated and sent to the monitor. Learn more about worker down…

6. High Risk Check-ins

Being able to change the time between check in’s if security personnel are going into a situation they deem dangerous or high risk is important. The Ok Alone app gives guards the control to choose their next check-in time and make it shorter. They can select the appropriate time in 10-minute increments. Once the shortened cycle is complete, the system resets to the normal pre-set check-in frequency. Learn more about high risk check ins…

7. Voice Commands

A unique feature of the Ok Alone solution is its ability to be used completely hands-free with voice commands. Android or iPhone verbal short cuts can be programmed into the app, allowing security workers to start shifts, check in and request help without touching their phone. This is especially helpful for patrols done from a vehicle or if a security officer has to drive between multiple locations during a shift. Learn more about voice commands…

Why a Lone Worker App for your Security Officers?

You need to know that your staff are carrying out their duties and are where they’re supposed to be. Workers want to know that their company trusts them and has their best interests at heart. With Ok Alone, workers can have peace of mind that they are being supported and someone will be there to help them when they need it.

Want a quote for Ok Alone? Please email us at and we will send you a quote for our lone worker solution.

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