Protect your Lone Workers with a ZOLEO Satellite Device and Ok Alone

protect remote lone workers with ok alone and zoleo satellite

Ok Alone strives to be able to help keep workers safe in all circumstances, including when lone workers are in areas without cell service. Ok Alone has Partnered with ZOLEO We have partnered with ZOLEO to provide an option for workers to use their satellite device to help stay safe, no matter where they are …

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How Desktop Panic Buttons Work

Help Alert Confirmation Screen

The purpose of Ok Alone’s desktop panic button is to provide a convenient and readily accessible way for people to quickly request assistance in emergency situations. When activated, it triggers an alert, notifying designated individuals or security personnel. The alert can be in the form of pop-up notifications, emails, text messages, automated phone calls, or …

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Protect your Lone Workers with an iHelp Device and Ok Alone

ihelp devices now work with Ok Alone

Ok Alone, the trusted lone worker safety solution now has an integration with iHelp devices, adding another layer of protection for individuals working alone or in remote locations. The iHelp Mini and iHelp Max, provide additional security and peace of mind for both workers and employers. The iHelp Mini is available now, the iHelp Max …

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What Artificial Intelligence thinks of Ok Alone

Ok Alone is the highest rated lone worker app in Bing Chat

We thought it might be fun if we asked three different AI tools questions about Ok Alone and employee safety monitoring apps. So, we asked the same five questions to Bard, ChatGPT and Microsoft Bing. What is the highest rated lone worker app? Which lone worker app has the best range of safety features? Why …

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Our Response to Work Smarter Magazine’s “Top five lone worker apps” Article

our response to the work smarter magazine article

The online magazine Work Smarter Magazine recently published an article entitled: Top five lone worker apps in the UK. It ranked Ok Alone at #4 but contained a number of inaccuracies, we have included our response below. Article Url: Thanks for your review and feedback. May we provide a few clarifications so that your readers …

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California’s regulations for preventing heat-related illness in outdoor workers

worker running towards a man hurt by hazard when lone working

When people are working in high temperatures or extreme heat it is vital they have access to water, shade, shelter and rest. In 2005 California Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger signed the nation’s first heat regulation into law. The regulations outlined in Section 3395 of Title 8 of the California Code of Regulations for preventing heat-related illness …

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Can a task bar help button on your computer help in emergencies?

Task bar help button Icon live

When you have employees working on their own it is important to have an employee safety monitoring system in place in case of emergencies. This applies to people across many industries and occupations, from education to retail or front of house staff. Having a system that is compatible with pc’s and laptops, and shows as …

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How can a software based panic button help office workers?

Alone in office after hours

Elena works in the office of a small company. One day, while working late, she finds herself in an escalating confrontation with a disgruntled co-worker who becomes increasingly aggressive and verbally abusive. Feeling threatened and concerned for her safety, Elena discreetly activates the panic button on her computer screen. As soon as the panic button …

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Man Down / Worker Down App to Keep Workers Safe

Man down warehouse

One of the best tools a lone worker can have is a Man Down App. The app uses existing smartphone technology to alert a supervisor if someone is in trouble or if there is a loss of consciousness. Having this capability, in a single device, in your pocket, gives lone and remote workers the added …

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Streamline Your Workflow by Integrating a Lone Worker App

As a business owner or manager, you know that efficient workflows are crucial to your success. But what happens when your team includes lone workers, such as those who work remotely, on-call, or in hazardous environments? Without the right tools, managing these workers can be a challenge. That’s where a lone worker app comes in. …

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How to choose a Lone Worker App: Pricing and Features

lone worker alarm with 247 protection

Knowing where your staff are and that they are well is pretty important. This becomes even more important in the case of staff who work remotely or in isolation. To ensure that these employees remain connected, protected, and monitored, companies have turned to lone worker apps. These powerful tools provide a range of features designed …

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What are the Hazards of Lone Working?

worker running towards a man hurt by hazard when lone working

Lone workers, by the nature of their job, often face unique challenges and hazards in their day-to-day work environment. They navigate these risks without the immediate support of colleagues or supervisors which makes their safety an even more pressing concern. This article aims to shed light on the various hazards that lone workers encounter, including …

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The Role of a Lone Worker System in Protecting Your Employees and Creating a Safer Workplace

Lone Worker Safety for Office and Retail Staff​

As an employer duty of care extends beyond the traditional office or worksite to include remote or lone workers who operate in secluded or hazardous environments. To address this concern, a comprehensive safety solution, the lone worker monitoring system, was developed to monitor and protect lone workers. This system provides employers with real-time insights into …

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Be Safe and Secure by Prioritizing Lone Worker Security

worker monitoring security guard

The importance of prioritizing lone worker safety Lone workers are constantly exposed to a wide range of safety risks, including accidents, injuries, and even violent attacks. With no immediate backup or support, these workers are at a higher risk of serious harm or injury. Therefore, it’s essential to prioritize their safety and well-being. By prioritizing …

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24/7 Safety Monitoring for Lone Workers

24-7 lone worker monitoring

Ok Alone’s 24/7  Lone Worker monitoring service offers an unparalleled layer of protection, enabling lone workers to perform regular check-ins through the app. Thus ensuring swift action through automated alerts to designated monitors if a check-in is missed or an emergency situation arises. This comprehensive system uses lone worker monitoring software to extend safety monitoring …

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Safety Monitoring Dashboard for Lone Workers

lone worker system dashboard

Ok Alone’s employee safety app works in conjunction with a fully integrated cloud-based dashboard.  The Dashboard provides real-time information on the location and status of the workforce. The Ok Alone Dashboard, designed for lone worker safety, offers real-time GPS location tracking, enabling employers to promptly respond to emergencies.  Workers’ statuses are visible, displaying if they …

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Our Safe Worker App supports Lone Worker Safety with Real-Time Monitoring

Lone Worker Protection for Farmers and Agriculture Workers​

As modern work environments continue to evolve, and people become increasingly isolated the importance of implementing cutting-edge solutions to address the safety concerns of lone workers becomes more and more important. The role of promoting safety and security for these workers, has been taken on by innovative workplace safety apps that are revolutionizing the way …

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How a Lone Worker Alarm Can Ensure Safety and Peace of Mind with 24/7 Protection

lone worker app for enterprise

Employees who work in remote or isolated environments without direct supervision or easy access to immediate assistance are referred to as lone workers. These workers face distinctive safety challenges and ensuring their safety and well-being should be a top priority for employers who have a legal and moral responsibility to protect their workers. One solution …

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