Lone Working Legislation and Policy in the USA
Lone workers need protection no matter where they are, and this includes in a vehicle. It seems that the topic of using a phone or lone worker app whist driving is quite a contentious one.
While some people may need to use their phone for driving, especially if they are a lone worker, you cannot deny the fact that being distracted by a phone is a huge factor in many motor vehicle accidents.
The National Safety Council reports that cell phone use whilst driving leads to 1.6 million crashes each year and 1 out of every 4 car accidents in the United States is caused by texting and driving. ¹ These are startling statistics that show why phones should not be used whilst driving.
In March 2017, in Concan, Texas, 13 people travelling in their church bus were killed when 20 year old Jack Young crossed the centre line in his pickup truck and collided with them. Young, had been recorded on video swerving across lanes by other motorists and admitted to texting while driving, causing the crash. ²
(Insurance Institute for Highway Safety 2019) ᵌ
Click this link to see the laws for all states – https://www.okaloneworker.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/03/DistractedDrivingLawChart_Nov19_0.pdf
The obvious alternative is not using your phone whilst driving. Put it on silent or keep it in a bag or the glove box where you won’t be tempted to use it. However, some people, such as those working alone need to use their phones for work while driving, so what should they do? Having a phone that has a hands free option is the best choice for using a phone whilst driving. A phone that can be voice activated and follow verbal commands is the safest way to proceed.
Many different apps can also be used hands free to encourage safer driving. The latest version of the Ok Alone lone worker app provides Siri and Google Assistant shortcuts so you can use your voice to update your Ok Alone status wherever you are and whatever you’re doing.
Any lone worker with an iPhone or Android phone and Ok Alone can now easily use Siri and Google Assistant to start a shift, check in or get help – all by using their voice, completely hands free.
Why put yourself and others in danger when the technology exists that can help keep you safe?
1 – https://www.edgarsnyder.com/car-accident/cause-of-accident/cell-phone/cell-phone-statistics.html
3 – https://www.ncsl.org/research/transportation/cellular-phone-use-and-texting-while-driving-laws.aspx
As an expert in lone worker content management, I possess an extensive knowledge base and experience in the area of lone working and safety monitoring. My expertise in this field encompasses a wide range of areas, including risk assessment, training, communication, and technology. I have a deep understanding of the unique risks associated with lone workers and have researched and written many projects and articles to educate people in how to mitigate these risks.
Throughout my time with Ok Alone, I have kept up to date with technological developments, legislative changes and regulations that have been introduced to help organizations ensure the safety of their lone workers.
This post was last modified on February 28, 2023 12:49 pm
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