February Newsletter from Ok Alone

It’s February already and if you need a little inspiration as you think about creating better safety policies, here are two ideas to get you going.

People on their own often find themselves in uncomfortable positions. This article explores the kind of features you need in a safety app as your lone workers go into high risk situations.

What to consider in high risk situations

Favourite customer feature of the month:
Free performance reports

They say a picture is worth a thousand words, and that holds true when it comes to coaching your team on the benefits of safety.  And speaking of pictures, we’ve had great feedback from customers about how they use Ok Alone’s performance charts to guide a fact based discussion about improving worker safety.  Believe it or not, prior to using Ok Alone, some people actually had to pay to get these charts and reports. Ok Alone believes they are an important tool for you and your team so they are automatically included as part of your monthly subscription.

HOT TIP: Someone missing a lot of check-ins?  Use their monthly chart to show how a few small changes in the way they work can dramatically increase their safety.

Learn more about how these charts could work for you.

The Ok Alone Team

Want a quote for Ok Alone? Please email us at info@okalone.net and we will send you a quote for our lone worker solution.

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