Essential Tips for your Retail Employees – Lone Worker Safety

Essential Safety Tips for your Retail Employees

Your retail business, whether large or small, is responsible for providing a safe environment for workers as well as following the lone worker safety regulations of your country and local jurisdictions.

While retail isn’t considered a particularly high risk occupation, it can be quite hazardous. Many retail workers are young, and new to the work force, so they might not know what to do when faced with a challenging situation. It’s important that they receive appropriate safety training and have specific instruction in what to do when there is an incident.

Here are a few safety tips for retail staff:

  • Be careful when doing repetitive manual tasks or working in awkward positions
  • Pushing, pulling or lifting things can put you at risk for injury, learn how to lift safely
  • Working on ladders or lifts to store or replenish stock is hazardous, go slow and use safety equipment (hardhats, safety belt systems) whenever possible
  • Slips, trips and falls are common causes of employee injury, don’t rush about, even when you are busy.

Other risks that retail workers face include bullying and workplace violence; working with the public is not always pleasant and you might be accosted by a hostile person. A lone worker protection system can provide a means to call for help if necessary.

Effective, Affordable Lone Worker Safety Solutions for the Retail Industry

Our lone worker safety app is an affordable solution that’s easy for retail workers to learn and use – no extensive training required!  The safety app will give staff a way to check in and to report any problems as they occur. It’s very simple to implement, we can have you up and running in minutes.

Contact us to learn more about our lone worker protection system.

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