With the Ok Alone Lone Worker App you can set short cuts on your Smartphone to start shifts, check in, get help and end a shift. If you have an iPhone 8 or later model you can activate the multi-tap function on the back of your iPhone for a discreet lone worker alarm.
How to set up the Double Tap Function
You can double-tap and triple-tap on the back of iPhones to perform actions such as turn on an accessibility feature or run a shortcut. To do this:
- Go to Settings
> Accessibility > Touch > Back Tap.
- Choose Double Tap or Triple Tap, then choose ‘Ok Alone Help Button’ .
- Double-tap or triple-tap on the back of iPhone to trigger the action you set.
How can the Double Tap Function Help Lone Workers?
Activating this function will allow lone workers to access help without alerting others around them and potentially escalating a dangerous situation. Monitors will receive an alert from workers requesting immediate help. They are then able to see on their cloud-based dashboard the workers precise GPS location and can immediately send the necessary assistance.
As an expert in lone worker content management, I possess an extensive knowledge base and experience in the area of lone working and safety monitoring. My expertise in this field encompasses a wide range of areas, including risk assessment, training, communication, and technology. I have a deep understanding of the unique risks associated with lone workers and have researched and written many projects and articles to educate people in how to mitigate these risks.
Throughout my time with Ok Alone, I have kept up to date with technological developments, legislative changes and regulations that have been introduced to help organizations ensure the safety of their lone workers.